Thursday, January 29, 2009

The strange history of lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum, Dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Maybe I just a design geek but I found this story by The World’s Alex Gallafent very interesting. Give it a listen.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Filmed by Bike: Call for Submissions

Film submissions now being accepted for Filmed by Bike, a festival of bike-themed movie shorts. Submissions come from around the world and we want to see what you’ve got!

Filmed by Bike embraces the art and innovation of bikes through the eyes of imaginative storytellers who use moving images to celebrate the world's most efficient and creative form of transportation. Now in its seventh year, the festival showcases a love of two wheels in eight minutes or less. This premier festival happens once a year in Bike City, USA: Portland Oregon. The event grabs hold of an entire weekend of screenings and features movies from around the globe.

DEADLINE: February 15, 2009…….….LENGTH: 8 minutes or less


Download the entry form on our website.

More info is on our website

Thursday, January 22, 2009

TypeCon2009: Call for Submissions

TypeCon2009: Rhythm
July 14-19, 2009
Grand Hyatt Atlanta at Buckhead
Atlanta, Georgia

- TypeCon2009 Gearing Up for Atlanta
- Call for Submissions for TypeCon2009 Presentation and Workshop Proposals
- Call for Speakers for the TypeCon2009 Education Forum

TypeCon2009 will be held this July in an amazing city - Atlanta, Georgia. TypeCon makes its first foray into the Deep South, and it's going to be the hottest design event of the season! We're working on a week-long community-wide celebration of type and design. Atlanta is known for its thriving design, publishing, broadcast, and high-tech sectors, world-class cultural organizations, myriad design and technology education programs, and some of the finest restaurants and entertainment venues in North America.

Atlanta is a thriving city full of friendly people who love the arts. Its major airport makes traveling to Atlanta incredibly easy. The community at large is wholeheartedly participating in TypeCon2009. We are working with a variety of local educational institutions and cultural organizations from the region and beyond in presenting TypeCon2009.

The main conference will take place at the gorgeous Grand Hyatt Atlanta, located in the thriving Buckhead area. The Grand Hyatt will be a beautiful and comfortable venue for our conference. We've secured an terrific rate of $175 per night for single and double rooms at the conference hotel - a great bargain for this wonderful hotel in a prime location. Complete reservations information and hotel details will be available shortly. If you're ready to book your room online, please visit this link:

This year's TypeCon will take you to more unique places than ever before as we visit museums, art galleries, schools, letterpress studios, and cultural centers for our varied activities. With dozens of workshops, presentations, special eevents, and exhibitions in the works, TypeCon2009 promises a typographic adventure you can't miss!


The Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA) is currently reviewing proposals for contemporary and historical presentations and panel discussions, as well as focused hands-on workshops in both the digital and non-digital realms. Topics at TypeCon cover a broad range of interests, including typography, type design, font production, graphic design, new media, printing history, calligraphy and hand lettering, the book arts, advertising, type in motion, literacy, type sales and marketing, legal issues, type and design education, and other related areas.

Standard programming formats are as follows:

Full-length presentation - 40 minutes, including time for audience Q+A

Type in 20 presentation - 20 minutes, including time for audience Q+A (if any)

Type and Design Education Forum - see separate call below

Panel discussion - a minimum of 3 panelists that represent a range of experience and expertise in a given topic. An experienced moderator is required for all panels. A moderator may also serve as a panelist where appropriate. Panel discussions range from 45-60 minutes, depending on the topic.

Full-day workshop - 7 hours (with break for lunch at midday)

Half-day workshop - 3.5 hours (no break)

The main program of presentations and panels will run Friday-Sunday, July 18-20. Pre-conference workshops will take place Wednesday-Thursday, July 16-17, with tours running throughout the week.

You may submit multiple proposals.

In order to consider your proposal, we will need the following:

- presentation/workshop/tour title
- a concise one-paragraph description of your topic (up to 100 words)
- complete supporting materials for review - visuals, theses, articles, abstracts - the more details you provide, the better
- your biography (100 words maximum)
- speaking references (if you have not previously presented at TypeCon)
- a print quality headshot in TIFF or JPEG format - must be a minimum of 300 dpi at 2 inches wide
- any other material that supports your proposal

Please use PDF, RTF, or ASCII text for text. Compress all files in a single ZIP archive labeled with your name (example: TC09_LastNameFirstName). If your ZIP archive is larger than 20 mbs, please send a link for downloading instead of transmitting through email.

Email proposals to by Febuary 20, 2009. The programming committee will review all proposals for possible inclusion in the conference schedule.


The Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA) will present its fourth Type and Design Education Forum as part of TypeCon2009. This special program will be held on Thursday, July 16, at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead. The forum will be devoted to addressing issues faced by type educators and the institutions they represent. The program will feature presentations in conjunction with breakout sessions dedicated to the open exchange of ideas and experiences.

We are looking for presenters in the following areas:

Assignment Presentations
15-minute presentations of effective and stimulating assignments that generate a passion for type:
- Basic skill sets/foundations of type/typography
- Basic lettering/letterform design
- Type history/typographic history
- Experimentation with type

We are looking for facilitators for:

Breakout Sessions
There will be a general session consisting of small breakout discussions. We are looking for people to facilitate discussions on the following topics:
- Curriculum development for junior/community colleges
- Curriculum development for schools with 1–2 type classes
- Curriculum development for design programs with 3–4 type classes
- Curriculum development for liberal arts programs with 3–4 type classes
- Teaching type/typography basics
- Teaching letterform design
- Font selection: how to teach students to do font explorations, and make appropriate choices
- Strategies for more effective critiques
- Teaching calligraphy as a means to developing an appreciation of letterforms
- Experimentation in typography
- Type in motion
- Interactive/web type
- Multi-lingual typography

We are considering adding a new component to the Education Forum this year - a series of hands-on workshops designed specifically for educators. Workshops will run approximately 3 hours, and should be geared toward smaller groups (15-25 participants per session). If you have an idea for a workshop for educators and would like to lead your peers, please submit a proposal with supporting documentation. We are open to all ideas for this exciting new opportunity.

Proposals should contain your biography/resume/CV, your area(s) of interest/specialty, a description of your proposed presentation and/or breakout session, and a statement about why you’d like to participate. Please include a speaking reference if you have not previously presented at a TypeCon event.

Please send all submissions to Ilene Strizver and Nancy Rorabaugh, SOTA Education Committee chairs, at Deadline for submissions is February 20, 2009.

Spending time with Poster Boy

Sunday, January 18, 2009

SOIL gallery: Call for proposals

Call for Show Proposals
SOIL is now accepting proposals for group shows (three or more artists).

Next review deadline: February 14, 5pm

Proposals must be received on or before Saturday, February 14 at 5pm to be considered during this coming season. We accept submissions for curated shows on a continual basis. Proposals must be of work not shown previously in Seattle.

For more information please visit:



Project Description: Describe in a paragraph the themes and content of the show. It is imperative your description is clear and that it leaves us with a strong impression of what to expect from the exhibition you propose. Include project title, how many pieces in the show, media, and other important details on your plans for the exhibition. We are interested in compelling ideas, concisely stated.

Application: Fill out the PDF application, including the Work Description List.

It is available to download and print here:

Work Sample: Enclose up to 15 digital images on a CD, including samples of work by all participating artists to provide a sense of the proposed show. Digital image files should be saved on the CD as the artists' last name and numbered corresponding to the Work Description List, such as Jones_01.jpg, Jones_02.jpg, Smith_03.jpg. Size images at 1200 pixels on the longest dimension. Do not embed images into PDF files. For video samples we will accept DVD and CD-ROM formats. Images are crucial to our understanding of your proposal. Your Project Description should function as the backbone that connects your image samples together.

Work Description List: List details of the work corresponding with their number, including artist’s name, title, dimensions of work, materials used and date executed for each piece.

Support Materials: We recommend but do not require enclosing a resume and one page or less artist statement from each participating artist. Please do not include reviews, publications, or other additional items.

SASE: Your materials will not be returned unless indicated on the application and accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (with adequate stamps, not metered postage).

Proposals are accepted in person or by mail. Drop-off submissions will be accepted during gallery hours, Wednesday – Saturday, 12-5 pm.

Mail to: SOIL, RE: Show Proposal, 112 3rd Ave South, Seattle WA 98104
All costs for the show, including shipping and insuring of artworks, postcard printing, postage, wall titles, reception food and drink, etc., are the responsibility of the curator. Additionally, the curator is responsible for installing and de-installing the show within the given schedule.

"Bah Humbug" pre-Valentines party hosted by Seattle's own Kelly Lyles

"Come one, Come all", to my annual 'Bah Humbug' pre-Valentines party (this year on Sun, February 8th, at O.B.A.M.A./cafe Racer). PLEASE RSVP so I can keep a rough head count. The last few years we've averaged 80 or 90 people, mostly split in terms of men & women.

You are welcome to bring anyone of either sex as long as they aren't YOUR dates & are not in a relationship. Only other rule is over 21. It's free, u just have to buy your own food or liquor (& tip generously, it's usually closed on Sunday but they are opening & staffing just for us). Guaranteed it's always a fun party, & the biggest compliment I always receive is that everyone forgets it's just singles. Since you're all friends of mine or friends of friends (& prefer to keep it that way, so don't forward to lists), it's a nice, interesting, varied crowd. Look forward to seeing you in 3 weeks...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bird Control by David Francis

At the meat processing factory
a mechanical screech
frightens seagulls away.

On the statue's head, a wig of pins
keeps pigeons at bay. Downtown in the park
the starlings deposit enough excrement

in one afternoon to attract the attention
of the mayor. Proposals vary:
perhaps a large net. A cloud of poison.

In the garden a scarecrow looks drunk,
head resting on his chest. Here and there
in the orchard, a shiny piece of foil dangles

like a Christmas ornament. The hole in the birdhouse:
too small for anything larger than a wren.
Where do they go then, those who are unwelcome,

those whose removal is desired?
How far must they travel? As they reach the ends
of the earth they discover a city

where their depredations are unknown:
they flock to the landfill, the sewer outfall,
to the grain spilled along the railroad.

In the city at the ends of the earth,
statues once again exhibit wisdom,
their heads streaked with white.

By David Francis David is
a Board member of CoCA, visual artist and poet living in Seattle. David's poem was originally posted on Art Access along with works by Paul Hunter and Mary Lou Sanelli. Click here to find out more.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Most Americans know we've got a problem: an addiction to oil that taxes the environment, entangles us in costly foreign policies, and threatens the nation's long-term stability. But few are informed or empowered enough to do much about it. Enter Josh Tickell, an expert young activist who, driven by his own emotionally charged motives, shuttles us on a revelatory, whirlwind journey to unravel this addiction—from its historical origins to political constructs that support it, to alternatives available now and the steps we can take to change things. Sweeping and exhilarating, Tickell's passionate film goes beyond great storytelling; it rings out like a bell that stirs consciousness and makes individual action suddenly seem consequential.
Here is the trailer link: The screening locations and times can be viewed at

For more info:

Gallery 110, Seeking new member artists

Gallery 110, Seattle is seeking new artist members. In order to qualify, you must be a professional, working artist with a developed body of work - in any media. As a member, you must be able to bring something to the membership by actively participating as a part of the gallery, which includes submitting ideas for exhibition proposals (to include members as well as guest artists from outside the gallery) and participating on a working committee in addition to other projects. The opportunity is very rewarding in terms of introducing your work to the Seattle art scene and allows for the development of peer relationships with other artists in the area along with presenting you with other opportunities to get your work out there.

We are looking for a one year commitment. Please send a CD or slides of 10-12 images, a printed image list including title, media, dimensions, date and any additional information necessary to describe your work, a resume, your artist statement, and a cover letter explaining why you want to be a part of G110 and your availability to participate. If you wish your materials to be returned, please also submit an SASE. For more detailed information about membership, please visit our website and click on the submissions page.

The application process is competitive. Deadline has been extended to February 1, 2009 for membership starting in March, 2009.

Send materials to:
Gallery 110
110 S. Washington St.
Seattle, WA 98104

"Extraordinarily Ordinary"

The White Gallery presents "Extraordinarily Ordinary" the first in an experimental series of exhibitions that document the ongoing work of students in the Social Practice division of Portland State's University's MFA program. The innovative work of these students, their successes and failures, and their everyday images of thinking, working, and communicating with the world will be up for display in the White on a rotating basis, along with interactive projects. Join us this week at an opening reception for the first exhibition in this series, along with a chance to speak with the artists and contend answers on a larger-than life crossword.
Opening Reception: Thursday January 8th, 2009, 5-8pm. Running Dates: January 5th – March 25th White Gallery 2nd Floor of Smith Bldg, South Wing 1825 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97207 For more information contact: Celina Monte 503.725.5656 Littman and White Galleries Portland State University

Funding available for Seattle artists in performing arts

Detail of performers from 2007 CityArtist Julie Tobiason's Seattle Dance Project. Photo © Angela Sterling.
Funding up to $10,000 is available in 2009 for Seattle-based artists working in the performing arts, including theater, dance and music. The Office's CityArtists program provides support to individual artists to conceive, develop and present new, in-progress or finished original works. All projects must include a public presentation.

A link to the new online application, guidelines and workshop information is available on our Web site. Application deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 17.

A free information session will be held 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 13, at the Queen Anne Branch of The Seattle Public Library, 400 W. Garfield St. A series of workshops offering online application assistance and application draft review begin Jan. 15. See the Web site for the complete schedule. The workshops are free, but reservations are required.

Office seeks artist for South Park drainage project

Lydia Aldredge, Kate Wade and Peggy Gaynor; Meadowbrook Pond Reflective Refuge; 1998; permantly sited at Meadowbrook Pond.
The Office in partnership with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) seeks an artist for a public art opportunity linked to a neighborhood stormwater drainage project in South Park. The application deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 13. A link to the application is available on our Web site.

The selected artist will create an artwork at a new pump station and/or Marra-Desimone Park, where SPU is building drainage swales and other improvements. The artist will also serve as an artist-in-residence and identify art opportunities for future South Park drainage projects. The total budget for the artwork and residency is $115,000.

The opportunity is open to professional artists living in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana or California.

Artist sought for Spokane Street Viaduct expansion

View of the Spokane Street Viaduct at the intersection of First Avenue and Spokane Street.
The Office, in partnership with the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), seeks an artist or artist team to develop permanent artwork in conjunction with the widening of the South Spokane Street Viaduct in Seattle's SoDo (South Downtown) neighborhood. The 60-year-old elevated roadway serves as a key transportation link between West Seattle, Port of Seattle terminal facilities and the SoDo district and provides access to State Route 99 and Interstate 5.

The selected artist will develop a creative response to the expansive viaduct and its industrial setting. Possible locations for artwork include the underside of the viaduct's elevated roadway, its forest of support columns, the spaces surrounding new traffic ramps, the lower Spokane Street roadway and its new sidewalk and/or other areas adjacent to the viaduct. Safety issues prevent placing artwork on the elevated roadway.

The call is open to established professional artists living in the United States. The project budget is $60,000 for design and travel. It is anticipated that $340,000 will be available for fabrication and installation, for a total project budget of $400,000. The application deadline is 11 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 17. A link to the online application is available here.

Who owns antiquity ?

The World Affairs Council in Seattle will be hosting Dr. James Cuno, Director of the Art Institute of Chicago, for a lecture at the Seattle Art Museum. Dr. Cuno’s lecture on Tuesday, January 13 will address the topic of who owns antiquity and whether cultural art should be kept as state property or circulated as global heritage. The Council would greatly appreciate your help in advertising for this event

For more info: