Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Bah Humbug" pre-Valentines party hosted by Seattle's own Kelly Lyles

"Come one, Come all", to my annual 'Bah Humbug' pre-Valentines party (this year on Sun, February 8th, at O.B.A.M.A./cafe Racer). PLEASE RSVP so I can keep a rough head count. The last few years we've averaged 80 or 90 people, mostly split in terms of men & women.

You are welcome to bring anyone of either sex as long as they aren't YOUR dates & are not in a relationship. Only other rule is over 21. It's free, u just have to buy your own food or liquor (& tip generously, it's usually closed on Sunday but they are opening & staffing just for us). Guaranteed it's always a fun party, & the biggest compliment I always receive is that everyone forgets it's just singles. Since you're all friends of mine or friends of friends (& prefer to keep it that way, so don't forward to lists), it's a nice, interesting, varied crowd. Look forward to seeing you in 3 weeks...

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